Monday, 31 December 2012

Before the year ends.....

...... I always start every year with new goals & lists of all the things I'm going to do in the new year, forgetting all the wonderful things we have actually achieved in the year just gone.

So as a reminder, as I was a particularly bad blogger this year, here's some highlights of my 2012:

I turned 40!  I invited some of my closest girlfriends for dinner & my husband cooked, served & cleared up - he was marvellous.

I got a job, which is partly why I've been a very bad blogger.  I'm loving my job.  It's food related & I spend even more time with my head in a cook book!

Super Natural Book Cover
Image -

I discovered the lovely site - Eat Your Books - it's a wonderful site that saves me hours of searching.

My son O won the athletics cup for his age group in the summer.

My son T came off his skateboard many times (we've had a number of stitches!) but he's still smiling & boarding.

My daughter M learnt to rollerskate.

My husband learnt to make bread.

We went to Devon & the boys all surfed, my daughter learnt to body board.

I learnt to crochet, sadly there isn't enough time to crochet as much as I'd like.

I got a new camera.  We finally have some lovely photo's of the kids.

I'm sure there's lots more that I've forgotten.  But for now we look back with fond memories & look forward to many more yet to be created.......

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