Monday, 31 December 2012

2013 is the year for.....

..... not setting resolutions, goals, achievements, lists etc that i'll never complete. This time I've come up instead with a list of categories I'm going to try & complete each month.

to you.
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My 2013 list:

Faces - who did I see?  Time spent with family & friends.

Spaces - this is mainly for the home or the campervan, our own personal space.

Places - where did we go?

Aces - what did we achieve?  This can be anything from learning something new, finishing that book that's been on your bedside table for weeks, or completing that garage clear out you've been meaning to do for years!!!

Some other ideas to think on might be:
- favourite blog find
- favourite book find
- favourite recipe find
- favourite creative project

Are you planning any lists or resolutions?

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