Thursday, 5 January 2012

Christmas in January

My husband had to work for most of the Christmas holidays.  So we could catch up & enjoy some time together, we had a 'day out' today.

We drove up to Chipping Norton to get my Christmas present, which was well worth the wait.  No more cold feet on Sunday mornings at rugby!

We then popped over to Daylesford Organics for a mooch about.  I love it there.  Everything is so fresh & simple.  Whilst I got lost amongst the crockery (I spent ages looking at a cream jug with the word 'custard' on - which I may have to go back for one day), my husband disappeared into the 'Cheese Room' where he picked out a heart shaped cheese for me.  I also picked up a box of shortbread biscuits.  We are now both fighting for the tin - I think I'll win.  I shouldn't have taken the bag but the lady had already packed it before I had the chance to tell her I'd brought my own.  I love the bag!  I noticed too that the box of shortbreads were even sealed with heart shaped seals!

We could've stayed at Daylesford for lunch, it looked delicious.  Instead we popped down the road to The Kingham Plough.  I'd read a review on the Foodie Bugle & it did not disappoint.  I had delicious Welsh Rarebit & my husband had some rabbit crispy bites, which looked delicious.  We were even joined by the most gorgeous little dog, who just sat next to us & watched, very lovingly, every bite we took.  I wanted to smuggle her home in my pocket.

I'm now enjoying a cup of tea & some of my shortbread biscuits.  I'm inspired to try & recreate some of these shortbread flavours myself - the organic shortbread hearts with cinnamon are delicious!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Fabulous Baker Brothers

Image - Hobbs House Bakery

So excited to discover that episode 1 of The Fabulous Baker Brothers starts tonight.  I know of Hobbs House Bakery initially through Emma Bradshaw.  Tom runs a fabulous bakery, supplies other local farmshops (including mine!) & delivers boxes of bread to your front door.

Last summer at the Strawberry Fayer at Woodborough Garden Centre, Hobbs House Bakery had a stall.  My children couldn't stop sampling their bread.  The next thing I knew my children came excitedly running up to me to show me the wonderful loaf of bread they had been given!

Fortunately or unfortunately I do make my own bread in my breadmaker.  However, I'm not nearly as good as Hobbs House Bakery.  I therefore don't have a box delivered but whenever we visit our local farmshop (& we are fortunate to have 3 near us, 2 stocking Hobbs House Bakery bread) we always purchase a loaf.

Looking forward to TV tonight.  I know nothing of their butchery business, so looking forward to seeing that too.  Hope you'll be watching.