Monday, 31 October 2011


Wow, what a turn out of ghosts & ghouls for such a tiny village.  If I didn't know better I'd think I was on the set of Buffy!  I'm not usually a fan of Halloween but tonight really has been great fun.

We decorated the house last night.

The kids found treat bags left by the good witches this morning.

The kids did a spot of their own 'Trick or Treating' early this evening.

Since then they have been handing out sweets to all sorts of ghosts & ghouls that have passed our door.  This little bowl was refilled so many times!

I still haven't used my Halloween cupcake cases & glow in the dark mini spider decorations, I ran out of time.

Next year I'd like to:
  • be more prepared!
  • hand out paper cups of popcorn
  • bake some goodies & mulled cider for the grown ups
  • find more tasteful decorations
  • carve a pumpkin
  • light more candles
I've collected some ideas & posted them on my Halloween Pinterest board.  What have you been doing for Halloween?

Saturday, 29 October 2011

A Blaze of Colour at Westonbirt

Despite the drizzle I packed a picnic, loaded the VW with dogs & kids & headed off to Westonbirt & even in the damp, overcast weather the trees looked amazing.

We walked the dogs through Silk Wood & spent ages in the National Japanese Maple Collection picking up as many different coloured leaves from the woodland floor as we could find.

Popping the dogs back in the VW & having a quick spot of coffee & homemade shortbread we then headed off to the Old Arboretum (dog free zone) to do the family trail.

The kids loved it!  We kicked leaves, played games on the troll bridge & finished up in the play area, that although small, entertained the kids for half an hour.

The shop was shut by the time we were finished with our fun, which was probably a good thing.

My photo's don't do the Arboretum justice, so if you've not been before do hop over to their website.  Or perhaps you've been following BBC's Autumnwatch this month who have been broadcasting from Westonbirt.

Westonbirt Arboretum