Monday, 1 October 2012


Yesterday I turned 40 & I have to say, so far I'm actually quite enjoying it.  I have a very happy marriage, 3 wonderful & healthy children & a lovely home that needs continual TLC but I quite enjoy that.

Birthday card from my kids

I didn't have a massive party (not that you shouldn't), or a panic that life is slipping away.  Life is good.

Beautiful flowers from a friend

Of course things will go wrong.  The children test me most days.  The pets get sick - my son's beloved hamster needed an emergency trip to the vet last week, with what has turned out to be a broken knee!  We're always struggling for money (but who isn't).  But generally, life really is good.

Earrings from my mummy

Now I'm wondering if I need to set myself some challenges, some goals.  Whenever I do that I never complete them.  Does that matter?  Even to complete half would be pretty good.

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