I take my hat off to all you bloggers out there. I try, I really do, to keep my blog up-to-date with exciting things, places we've been to, things we've discovered, etc. I even manage to write the posts! Then they sit there, waiting for me to upload the photo's to make the page look pretty & more interesting - that bit I somehow just don't seem to manage.
It really is a shame as we've done some wonderful things lately:
- We spent an amazing Easter in North Devon in that glorious weather - we pootled around in our dear old camper van.
Travels with our Camper |
- We discovered an amazing National Trust Cafe at Baggy Point.
- We've given up our allotment & turned a small corner of our garden into a veg patch.
- My husband has dug a HUGE whole in the garden ready for scalpings, etc - I anxiously await the arrival of the greenhouse!!!
- The kids did brilliantly at their rugby presentation day - we were very proud parents.
- Our poor little puppy was very ill & had to spend a week at the vets. He's much improved now. My bank account is not!!! (This was not so wonderful).
Sad Oscar feeling very unwell |
- We attended a fabulous wedding of some very dear friends. I had a fashion crisis but all turned out ok. My daughter was however better dressed than me! How does that happen so soon?
- I wish I lived nearer London so I could go to Handmade Nest. I have been inspired to start knitting a scarf for my daughter though - there's a chance it might be ready for Christmas!!!
I now need to catch up with all of your lovely blogs - so my feet are up with a nice cup of tea & lots of happy blog browsing. Thank you one & all. x
Wow lots going on over your way! Your camper is gorgeous, what a great way to travel & spend some time..