Wednesday, 22 August 2012

I've been away too long

I have been absent from blogging for far too long.  I've had many attempts.  There are 10 draft posts but nothing new published.  The blogger layout has also changed for the user - I'm not sure I like it but will probably get used to it soon enough.

I have still been reading your lovely blogs though, which have kept me inspired.  So, I will try & update you all with some lovely things & see how we go.

Today, mainly to escape from the 11 loads of post-camping washing, we went to Ikea.  Mad on a sunny day but needed to go for bedding & wanted to avoid the bank holiday rush!

Look what we found......

It really is so sweet - foxes, hares & other woodland creatures.  I think the brown side is even nicer.

And to go with it......

I also got some extra fabric to make some more pillowcases......

I didn't see this fabric so will have to go back......

They also had some sweet little cot sets (I think they had acorns on), blankets, muslins & other duvet sets.  Sadly no babies in our house anymore, so no excuse to buy.

Thank you Ikea for your lovely new woodland range.